I have had a very personal and direct involvement with Bach flower remedies
for over 20 years, stemming from my fathers own experiences back in the 1970's. His stories of overcoming stress and major life trauma, through something as simple and natural as flower essences, has
always been a great inspiration for me.
Working with the body in a very direct, yet gentle and natural way, by treating our emotional imbalances and bringing harmony to the mind, body and soul, is something that I feel we should own as our
birth right, yet times of stress and emotional difficulty can upset this and we become dis-eased, anxious and loose sight of our calm centred selves.
From a young age I was intuitively drawn to the healing arts. Aged fourteen I began to collect crystals and made tinctures out of the water from sun & moon infused crystals, and took drops according to the healing properties of the crystals.
I then became interested in colour therapy, meditation, yoga, qi gong and whilst studying for my art degree, I took evening classes in herbalism.
It was the study of plants that I found most fascinating and it is this which I always come back to – Nature can heal so many of our common ailments, and it was with Bach flowers that I saw for myself, how they could realign emotional imbalances, and in turn, heal our bodies.
There is endless knowledge to be discovered about the flowers. I love going out into the countryside and exploring the plants different qualities; their structure, how and where they grow and what this tells us about their potential for healing.
Over the years I saw many different Bach flower therapists, two of whom who were very old and wise women, who are now long since dead.
Somehow not wanting to find myself a new practitioner I began exploring the flowers in depth by myself and much later decided to become a practitioner.
I have completed my training at both at Dr Bach’s centre in Oxford, as well as at Ainsworths homeopathic centre in London.
I am a registered practitioner with the Bach centre.